Data-driven Infrastructure Management

This is the course site for data-driven infrastructure management, with a strong emphasis on the pavement systems. This class starts core concepts of infrastructure management. It then moves to the many aspects in using data for management, including data-based maintenance policy making, performance prediction, and automated condition evaluating. We rely heavily on using R programming language for data wrangling, cleaning, visualization, and modeling. For modeling, we will both use R and Python programming languages in creating machine learning models. This class requires no background on either R and Python, although a good commanding of either will be beneficial. We will give a brief introduction to the get class started.


Basic concepts on pavement design and paving materials are required, which the class Road Engineering or Pavement Engineering covers. We will use data from the Long-Term Pavement Performance database.


This is a xxx credit course, the syllabus comprises of three components:

1. Concepts of infrastructure Management

  • Key components
  • life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA)

2. Fundamental skills for applying data for infrastructure management

  • Basic concepts of R programming
    • Workflow of using R for infrastructure data management
    • Data wranglying using tidyverse: tibble, dplyr
    • Data visualization using ggplot2
    • Processing millions of data records using data.table
  • Basic concepts of python Programming
    • Data processing with numpy and pandas
    • Data visualization using matplotlib
  • Reproducible research with literature programming: using rmarkdown
    • Basic syntax of markdown
    • Fundamentals of rmarkdown
    • Mention org-mode and latex

3. Machine-learning methods for performance prediction and decision-making

  • Maintenance decision tree with rpart and ggtree
  • Prediction with regression methods: linear regression, mixed effects models, generalized additive models, decision trees, random forests, gradient decision tree models, multilayer preceptron, and others.
  • Discrete responses prediction through classification: decision trees, logistic regression models family
Hongren Gong
Assistant Professor

My research interests include pavement performance evaluation, automatic pavement distress recognition, infrastructure assest management, traffic safety