
Make a nice-looking scatter plot matrix

Those who have read my papers (assumed there are) may have noticed I seem to obssessed with the small multiple plots, as they appeared in almost all my papers. I get accquited with the small multiple plots through Edward Tufte’s book. About the data E G phaseAngleB logEta temp fc Va Vbeff p200 p4 p38 p34 3.

Do you really need a plot with a second axis?

In her book, Story telling with data, Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic states Sometimes it’s useful to be able to plot data that is in entirely different units against the same x‐axis. This often gives rise to the secondary y‐axis: another vertical axis on the right‐hand side of the graph. When interpreting Fig. 1, it takes some time and reading to understand which data should be read against which axis. Because of this, you should avoid the use of a secondary or right‐hand y‐axis.